Our goal with Validation Manager has been to change the way you use your time while doing validations and verifications. We want to enable automating data management as far as possible, to give you more time to concentrate on things where your expertise is needed.
We see that working with the results shown on the reports is pretty much the essence of what you do when using Validation Manager. You view the data in graphs and tables to get a good understanding on how the candidate test behaves and keep your notes in order so that you can easily find them later.
That’s why, as we’ve been rebuilding the Validation Manager user interface, we’ve put a special effort on making your work with the reports easier.
To get a good idea of your new workflow for assessing your results, let’s start by using the enhanced report filters to easily find the results that need your attention. If you have defined goals for all your analytes, you can ask Validation Manager to show you only results that don’t meet the goals.

Then you can open a detailed report to take a better look at why these results are not meeting the goals.
The gist of this view is to enable you to find possible issues related to the data, analyze what they are all about and what is their relevance, and to write these analysis conclusion comments on the report.
To make this easier than ever, we rearranged the contents a bit. We wanted to make it easy for you to access all results and their visualizations while commenting on the results.

There may be cases when some reports need to be examined by multiple experts to make the decision on whether the test is good enough of not. The improved filters should help each of them find the relevant information, but you can optionally send them the URLs pointing to specific report views, with the right results visible, so you don’t have to explain how to find them anymore.

At some stage, we will further improve the collaboration features of Validation Manager, but we hope that this will already make your work more efficient and pleasant.
We would love to get your feedback about the new report! If this post evokes any thoughts about how you would like to work with your reports, drop us a line at [email protected]!
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