The most effective way to do lot-to-lot comparisons

Set up protocols once, then simply drop results in for instant insights into reagent lot performance.

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A hassle-free approach

Validation Manager software service enables your lab to:

Standardize your lot-to-lot comparison workflow

Save countless of valuable working hours by eliminating manual data entry

Get rid of human errors

Instantly know if the new reagent lot’s performance is acceptable

Easily compare your results against your peers’ across your laboratory group

How it works

Evaluate your new reagent lots with a straightforward three-step workflow

Step 1: Plan

Effortlessly define the comparison protocol or pick one that you or your colleagues have set up in Validation Manager.

Step 2: Work

Step 3: Report

Watch your results calculated in a snap and get instant insights into the candidate reagent lot’s suitability.

Feature 1/5

Standardize your workflow

Say goodbye to subjective approaches

Validation Manager’s lot-to-lot comparison workflow curates all the steps you’ll need to take to verify reagent lot’s performance effectively — from protocol setup and data transfer to result interpretation and reporting. Unifying your team around this workflow ensures that all of your lab’s results are comparable and easy to analyze.

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Feature 2/5

Define lot-to-lot comparison protocols with ease

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No more starting from scratch

Though often a one-time task, setting up reagent lot comparison protocols can put a strain on your lab’s limited resources. So rather than working through it from scratch, simply follow the step-by-step instructions within Validation Manager and get it done in no time.

No more starting from scratch

Though often a one-time task, setting up reagent lot comparison protocols can put a strain on your lab’s limited resources. So rather than working through it from scratch, simply follow the step-by-step instructions within Validation Manager and get it done in no time.

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Enjoy ultimate flexibility

Choose any protocol that fits your needs, from simple comparisons of individual results (such as the 3 point mentor protocol) to more detailed statistical analyses.

Freely set the scope of your verification, using any number of samples and optionally running the samples in replicates too!

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Set up once, reuse forever

Turn the protocols you’ve defined into templates. So the next time you carry out a lot-to-lot comparison, all you need to do is pick a pre-built template and drop data in.

Set up once, reuse forever

Turn the protocols you’ve defined into templates. So the next time you carry out a lot-to-lot comparison, all you need to do is pick a pre-built template and drop data in.

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Feature 3/5

No more copy-pasting data

Import data in seconds

Drag and drop data files from your LIS, middleware, instruments, or Excel sheets directly into Validation Manager. For large data sets, Validation Manager can find and filter only the data you want to import in no time.

What’s even better is Validation Manager automatically reads reagent lot information for most instruments, so you don’t have to manually type it in.

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Feature 4/5

Get your results in a snap

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Instantly know reagent lot suitability

Once the data has been imported, Validation Manager instantly:

  • analyzes the data according to your planned protocol, acceptance criteria, and the latest international guidelines
  • visualizes the results in difference plots and bias graphs
  • compares the results against your goals and marks them as passed or failed in the reports, so you’ll immediately know whether the new reagent lots are acceptable. This means no more subjective and manual conclusion making.

What’s more, every report has a dedicated comment field so you can write remarks, ask questions, and add conclusions in one place.

And if you need the reports as documents, we’ve got you covered! Validation Manager also automatically produces the final reports for you in Word format, so you can download them with the click of a button.

Instantly know reagent lot suitability

Once the data has been imported, Validation Manager instantly:

  • analyzes the data according to your planned protocol, acceptance criteria, and the latest international guidelines
  • visualizes the results in difference plots and bias graphs
  • compares the results against your goals and marks them as passed or failed in the reports, so you’ll immediately know whether the new reagent lots are acceptable. This means no more subjective and manual conclusion making.

What’s more, every report has a dedicated comment field so you can write remarks, ask questions, and add conclusions in one place.

And if you need the reports as documents, we’ve got you covered! Validation Manager also automatically produces the final reports for you in Word format, so you can download them with the click of a button.

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Feature 5/5

Have full transparency into your results

Stop hunting around for information

Validation Manager lets you do everything in one place, from planning and performing your verifications to interpreting, reporting, and reviewing the results. With all information securely stored in a single location, you’ll no longer have to hunt through multiple drives and folders to find earlier verification results.

Laboratory groups also benefit from this transparency to results, as it’s now easier than ever to spot reagent-related problems that recur in several laboratories in the group.

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Wondering how Validation Manager can work for your lab?

Schedule a customized demo with our specialist. We’ll go through your needs, questions, and ways Validation Manager can help boost your verifications.

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