As Validation Manager already contains quite a wide range of features, we have had an opportunity to do some upkeep tasks, sort of cleaning up and renewing things that have started to look a little outworn. Here’s a brief summary about what we’ve been up to lately.
Changing the concept of test
There are some profound differences between validating quantitative and qualitative results. That’s why when we created our first quantitative studies, we thought that it would be a good idea to make a distinction between qualitative and quantitative tests. As we’ve learned that it wasn’t such a good idea, we’ve demolished this distinction. From now on, Validation Manager doesn’t categorize tests nor analytes as qualitative / quantitative anymore. Any test can have either type of data and it just depends on the study which one is needed.
We still have some tasks on our list related to how tests can be used on studies. At the moment we are working on how to make Validation Manager more flexible in verifications related to multiplex tests.
Quantitative comparisons maturing
We’ve made many changes to our quantitative comparison studies. The features now give you a lot of flexibility on how to conduct your studies.
When defining your bias goals, you now have two options for getting more out of the analysis. For quite a while already, you’ve been able to set medical decision points for determining bias at clinically relevant concentrations. More recently, you can also set range specific goals e.g. to set a constant bias limit for low values and relative bias limit for high values. These features give you tools for a more detailed bias analysis. You can run your measurements throughout and over the limits of the stated measurement range, and yet base your conclusions on most relevant concentration levels.
As you do the visual analysis of your data, you can now select which difference plot will be included in report details. It is also possible to have both difference plots selected.
Taking qualitative studies to next level
Validation Manager started out as a tool for validating qualitative PCR tests. During the last couple of years, we’ve focused more on creating quantitative studies and fine tuning features for the needs of laboratories in the field of clinical chemistry. Now we are bringing the same feeling of ease and flexibility into our qualitative studies. We are on our way updating them to suit better also for other fields than PCR, e.g. by removing all unnecessary manual work and enabling verifying multiple tests on a single study.
We’ve started this work by removing the Design phases and modernizing and moving the few required design features to Work phase.
Smoother workflows
To make your work in Validation Manager smoother, we’ve made a bunch of small improvements to reduce the amount of steps needed to get things done. We’ve also optimized the performance of Validation Manager to make it better for customers with larger amounts of data. This work still continues. We welcome any feedback whether the changes have helped you or not, and what are the issues that still bother you.
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