In this guide, we’ll show you how to estimate average bias. We also explain the difference between Bland-Altman comparisons and direct comparisons.
Laboratories don’t often reach their quality potentials. To climb the quality ladder, the easiest step you can take is automating verification reporting. Validation Manager helps you do that with ease.
Laboratories often rely on correlation coefficient to decide if their new methods pass verifications. Avoid this mistake! Here’s why and what to do instead.
The mindset of a laboratory defines the quality they can achieve. Quality steps represent the different mindsets and changes needed to get to the next level.
Validation Manager and EQA Manager enable you to improve your laboratory quality, safety and security while ensuring your data is always up to date.
Increasing the amounts of testing only helps us in our fight against COVID-19 if the quality of the test results is high enough.
How the confidence interval and Validation Manager can help you get your validations and verifications through fast and with minimum amount of samples.
A short guide to effective validations and verifications of your COVID-19 test using Validation Manager to automate your data analysis and report creation.
EQA Manager frees you from the daily hassles of managing external quality assessment rounds, so you have more time to focus on what’s most important.
Get more out of your quantitative comparisons. Introducing profound choices in measurement procedure comparison, and how we can help you with them.